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(970) 528-5060
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Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tu-Wed 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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Our Audiology Services

Comprehensive Hearing Testing
Hearing loss can be caused by many different factors. A proper hearing test is the first step in determining the source of the loss and the personal treatment that is designed just for you. We provide hearing tests from Age 5.

Hearing Aid Consultation & Fitting
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to hearing aid fittings. Your hearing loss is unique to you, and so is your prescription for treatment. Depending on your hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget, we will help you find the perfect hearing aid for you.

Auditory Processing Disorder Testing & Treatment
Despite not having hearing loss, some patients may have difficulty hearing. The problem is with processing, not with how well the ear works or how well you can hear. These patients hear everything at once and are unable to distinguish between what is being said and external noises like the air conditioner buzzing or music playing in another room. Patients struggle as a result, both at home and in social settings. A number of approaches can be used to treat auditory processing disorder. To meet the specific needs of each patient, our audiologists will combine a variety of therapies.

Custom Hearing Protection
We provide custom hearing protection for musicians, hunters, and people who are exposed to loud noises at work. Don’t take a chance; protect your ears! We can help you make informed decisions on the type of hearing protection that best fits your lifestyle.

Hearing Aid Repair
While some minor hearing aid repairs can be completed quickly in the office, others require sending the device to the manufacturer. We can assist in determining the type of repair required to get your hearing aid operating at its peak performance. While your hearing aid is being repaired, we will provide you with a loaner device.

Cerumen (Wax) Removal
You might experience temporary hearing loss if cerumen (earwax) builds up in your ears and blocks the canal. If left untreated, cerumen may cause irritation and pain in your ears. When untreated, you might experience symptoms like ringing in your ears and dizziness. Cerumen can be removed in the office using a variety of techniques, by irrigation of the ear canal, or with a solution to dissolve the wax. You should never attempt to remove the wax by putting anything in the ear canal, and ear candling is not advised.
The National Health Institute advises against ear candling as research has revealed significant potential damage to the ear canal wall and ear drum.
Contact our office and schedule an appointment with a hearing healthcare professional for safe removal.

Tinnitus Diagnosis & Treatment
When someone has tinnitus, they may experience ringing, buzzing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds in their ears. It can be intermittent or continuous, and its volume can change. Tinnitus affects everyone differently, but one thing is certain: you want it to go away. The good news is that there are many tools for managing tinnitus, so you might not have to endure this anymore. To discuss your tinnitus symptoms, call us to make an appointment.

Cochlear Services
We are now offering cochlear candidacy evaluations, activations, and programming.